Demi Degeer
Thriller, Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, African American Interest, Teen & Young Adult, Advice & How To, Business
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- Member Since
Aug 2023
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
20 October
- Profession
My name is Demi Degeer, and I am absolutely thrilled
To introduce myself as a newly Published Author. Writing Has always been my true passion, my way of expressing The inner depths of my imagination and connecting with People through the power of words
However, I must confess my guilty pleasure- is I’m shamelessly Addicted to watching Netflix lol
I wrote this book with one goal in mind, to help change people lives one person at a time by giving them tools they need to be successful. Think of this as The Ultimate Freelancers Gold Mind! 100+ Companies looking for people to write, how much they pay, what they're looking for etc. All inside this amazing book.